Alex Tang
Spiritual writing
Nurturing/ Teaching Courses
Engaging Culture
Spiritual Formation Institute
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Book and Article Reviews
Groome, Thomas H., 1980,
Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Learning Theories of Chris Argyris
and Donald Schön
Palmer, Parker J.,1983.
To Know as We are Known: A Spirituality of Education.
Astley, Jeff and Francis, Leslie J. (eds).1992.
Christian Perspectives
on Faith Development
Botton K, King,C & Venugopal, J.
(1997). Educating for spirituality. Christian
Education Journal, Spring, 33-48 and Gorman, J. 1990. Christian
formation. Christian Education Journal, 10, 2 (Winter), 65-73
Laurie Beth Jones,( 2005). The Four Elements of Success
Blanchard, Ken & Hodges,
Phil. (2003). The Servant Leader: Transforming your heart, head, hands
& habits. Nashville TN: J. Countryman
Brock, Timothy W. The Role
of the Congregation on Christian Education as Christian Spiritual
Formation, Review and Expositor, 98. Summer 2001, 369-393
Shinohara, Akira.
(2002) .Spiritual Formation and Mentoring: An Approach from the
Christian Tradition of Spiritual Direction. Christian Education
Journal. 6NS: 105-118
Cullinan, Alice R.
(2001). The Role of Schooling in Christian Education as Spiritual Formation.
Review and Expositor, 98: 395-410
Galindo, Israel. (2001).Methods
of Christian Education toward Christian Spiritual Formation. Review
and Expositor. 98 (Summer): 411-429
Fortosis, Stephen.
(2001). Theological Foundations for a Stage Model of Spiritual
Formation. Religious Education. Vol. 96. No.1.(Winter): 49-63
Matthaei, S. H. (2004). "Rethinking Faith
Formation." Religious Education 99(No.1. winter): 56-71.
Susanne. (2001).
Christian Spiritual Formation in An Age of
“Whatever” Review and Expositor, vol.98 no.3 Summer: 302-332
Johnson, Susanne.
(1989) Christian Spiritual Formation in the Church and Classroom, Nashville:
Abingdon Press
Barns, Ian (2002), Becoming Theologically
Reflective Practitioners in Professional Life, Journal of Christian
Education, Vol.45, No. 2, September : 7-20
Wright, N.T. "God, 9/11, the Tsunami, and the
New Problem of Evil." Response, Summer 2005.
Benson L. Benson
and Carolyn H. Eklin, Effective Christian
Education Study: A National Study of Protestant Congregations, A Summary
Report on Faith, Loyalty, and Congregational Life, Search Institute,
Minneapolis; March 1999
Cooling, Margaret., 2005, Creating a
Learning Church: Improving Teaching and Learning in the local church
(Oxford: The Bible reading Fellowship)
Rutter, Mark V., A
Holistic Approach to Learning: The Key to Change, Christian
Education Journal, Spring 1990, Vol X. No3. p63-7
Palmer, Parker, 1999 The
Violence of Our Knowledge: Toward a Spirituality of Higher Education
Spiro, Jack, Formative Process in
Jewish Tradition, Religious Education, vol 82, no:1, Fall 1987 p.
Warren, Michael 1987,
Religious Formation in the Context of Social Formation, Religious
Education, vol: 82 no:4, Fall, p. 515-528
Brookfield, Stephen D. (1987) Developing Critical Thinkers: Challenging Adults to Explore Alternative Ways of Thinking and Acting. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers
Online Resources
Theory into Practice Database (50 learning theories)
Pedagogics (Joseph Jacobs
& Louis Grossman, JewishEncylopedia.com)
Five Es of an
excellent teacher (Clinical Teacher, June 2009)
Team Based
Learning (Larry Michaelsen) watch his
Based Learning Collaborative (online resources for TBL)
Three Keys in Using
Group Learning Effectively (TBL Collaborative website)
Learning: Putting sTEAM into group learning (TBL Collaborative website)
Cities, Youth and Technology: Toward a Pedagogy of Autonomy (Robert
McClintock, Columbia University, 2000)
My notebook
on spiritual formation for other resources
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