




Alex Tang



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A.      Books

Allen, David E., Bird, Lewis P. & Herrmann, Robert (eds), Whole Person Medicine : An

          International Symposium . Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press, 1980

American Medical Association Judicial Council , Revised Opinion, Witholding or

         Withdrawing Life Prolonging Medical Treatment . Chicago IL: American Medical

         Association, 1986

Anderson, S.J., When Someone Wants to Die. Downers Grove : InterVarsity Press,1988

Beckwith, Francis and Geisler,Norman L., Matters of Life and Death . Grand Rapids, MI :

         Baker Book House,1991

Brand, Paul and Yancey, Philip, The Gift of Pain . Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan,


-----., Escape From Pain . London : Christian Medical Fellowship, 1975,1977

Browne, Stanley G., Heralds of Health . London : Christian Medical Fellowship, 1985

Bird, H.C. Handley and Scorer, C. Gordon, Medicine in a Lawless Society . London :

         Christian Medical Fellowship, 1973

Beaucamp, Tom L., Intending Death : The Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

         Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996

Cameron, Nigel M. de S., The New Medicine : Life and Death After Hippocrates

          Wheaton IL: Crossway Books, 1991

----- and Colosn, W.Charles, Human Dignity in the Biotech Century Downer Groves, IL:

         InterVarsity Press, 2004

Carlson, Dwright L., Why Do Christian Shoot Their Wounded?  Downers Grove, IL :

          InterVarsity, 1994

Colson W.Charles, Cameron, Nigel M. de S. (Eds), Human Dignity in the Biotech

         Century  Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004

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         Euthanasia : Christian Moral Perspectives, The Washington Report . Harrsburg,

         PA : Morehouse Publishing, 1997

Coward, Harold G., Lipner, Julius J. and Young, Katherine K., Hindu Ethics : Purity,

         Abortion and Euthanasia . New York: State University of New York Press, 1989

Cundiff, David, Euthanasia is Not the Answer : A Hospice Physician’s View  Totowa,

         New Jersey: Humana Press, 1992

Edwards, Brian, What’s The Sense of Suffering?  Kent, England : Day One Publications, 1993

Feinberg, John S. and Feinberg, Paul D., Ethics For A Brave New World  

         Wheaton IL : Crossway Books, 1993

Frankl, Victor E., Man’s Search for Meaning . New York : Washington Square,1984

Geis, Sally B. and Messer, Donald E., How Shall We Die .Nashville : Abingdon Press,


Geisler, Norman L., Christian Ethics : Options and Issues. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1990

Gill, Robin, (ed), Euthanasia and the Churches.  London : Cassell, 1998

Gula, Richard M., Euthanasia : Moral and Pastoral Perspectives . New York : Paulist

         Press, 1994

Guroian, Vigen, Life’s Living toward Dying. Grand Rapids, MI : Eerdmans, 1996

Hauerwas, Stanley, God, Medicine and Suffering . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1990

Humphry, Derek, Dying With Dignity : Understanding Euthanasia . New York N.Y. :

         Carol Publishing, 1992

-----, Lawful Exit : The Limits of Freedom for Help in Dying . New York N.Y. : Norris

         Lane Press, 1993

Hui, Edwin C.(Ed.), Christian Character, Virtue & Bioethics Vancouver, Regent College,


Jackson, Douglas M., Human Life and Human Worth .London : Christian Medical

        Fellowship, 1970

Jones, D. Gareth et al, Respect For Life : A Symposium . London : Medical Christian

        Fellowship Publications, 1984

Kilner, John F., Hook, Christopher C., Uustal, Diann B. (Eds.), Cutting-Edge Bioethics

Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2002

Koop, C. Everett, The Right To Live ; The Right To Die.Wheaton, IL : Tyndale House

         Publisher, 1976

-----, and Schaeffer, Francis A., Whatever Happened to The Human Race? Westchester,

IL: Crossway Books, 1979,1983

Kreeft, Peter, Making Sense Out of Suffering . Ann Arbor, MI  : Servant Books, 1986

Kung, Hans,  “A Dignified Dying,” in Hans and Jens, Walter, Dying with Dignity  New York : Continuum, 1995

Land, Richard and Moore, Louis (eds), Life At Risk : The Crises in Medical Ethics   Nashville, Tennesse : Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995 

Larson, Edward and Admundsen, Darrel, A Different Death . Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 1998

Lewis, David, Healing: Fiction, Fantasy or Facts? London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1989 

Loudon, Irvine, Western Medicine . New York : Oxford University Press,1997

Lutzer, Erwin, The Necessity of Ethical Absolutes .Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan,  1981

Mason , Mike, The Gospel According to Job. Wheaton IL: Crossway Books, 1994

Masters, Peter, The Healing Epidemic. Bristol, Great Britain : J.W.Arrowsmith, 1988

May, William F., Active Euthanasia and Health Care Reform . Grand Rapids, MI :

         Eerdmans, 1996

Mayhue, Richard, The Healing Promise .Ross-shire, Great Britain : Christian Focus

         Publications, 1997

McMillen, S.I., None of These Diseases . New Jersey : Jove Publications, 1978

Orr, Robert, Biebel, David and Schiedermayer, David, More Life and Death Decisions

         Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books,1990

Outka, Gene H. and Ramsey,Paul (eds), Norm and Context in Christian Ethics . London:

         SCM Press, 1968

Peck, M.Scott, Denial of the Soul : Spiritual and Medical Perspectives on Euthanasia and

         Mortality . London : Simon & Schuster, 1997

Pipe, Christopher (ed), Richard Baxter, The Saints’ Everlasting Rest . London : Hodder

         and Stoughton, 1994

Report of the Task Force on Assisted Suicide to the 122nd Convention of the Episcopal

         Diocese of Newark, January 27, 1996

Saunders, Cicely, Baines, Mary and Dunlop,Robert, Living with Dying : A Guide to

         Palliative Care . New York: Oxford University Press, 1995

-----, and Kastenbaum, Robert (eds), Hospice Care on the International Scene . New

         York:Springer Publishing Company, 1997

Schemmer, Kenneth E., Between Life and Death : The Life-Support Dilemma

            Wheaton, IL : Victor Books, 1988

Shelly, Judith Allen, Dilemma : A Nurse’s Guide for Making Ethical Decisions . Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 1980

Singer, Peter, Rethinking Life and Death New York: St.Martin’s Griffin, 1994

Stewart, Gary P., et al, Basic Questions on Suicide and Euthanasia : Are They Ever Right? Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Publications, 1998

-----, Basic Questions on End of Life Decisions. Grand Rapids MI : Kregel  Publications,1998

Tada, Joni Eareckson. When Is It Right To Die? Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan,1992

Tan, Siang-Yan, Managing Chronic Pain Downers Grove IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996

Twycross, R.G., The Dying Patient. London : Christian Medical Fellowship, 1975

Uhlmann, Michael M. (ed), Last Rights : Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Debated   Grand

         Rapids, MI : Eerdmans,1999

Vale, Allister, Medicine and the Christian Mind . London : Christian Medical Fellowship, 1975, 1980

Vere, Duncan, Should Christians support Voluntary Euthanasia? London : Christian  Medical Fellowship, 1971

-----, Voluntary Euthanasia- Is there an Alternative?  London : Christian Medical

          Fellowship Publication, 1971,1979

Wagner, C. Peter, How To Have A Healing Ministry In Any Church . Ventura, CA : Regal, 1988

Wise, Robert, When There is No Miracle. Oklahoma City, OK : Hearthstone

Publishing, 1997

Winstedt, Richard, The Malay Magician . Kuala Lumpur : Oxford University Press,

1951, 1960

Wyatt, John, Matters of Life and Death Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1998,2000



B.              Journals, Magazines and News Reports


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Barraclough, Jennifer, “ABC of palliative care: Depression, anxiety, and confusion”  in

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         May/June 1980 : 4-6

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         Christian Century, vol 116 no:14 , May 5, 1999: 498-500

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          vol. 285 no:6352 , 13 November 1982: 1373-1375

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Goodall, Janet, “Doctors fighting, fleeing, or facing up to death” in  British Medical

         Journal, vol 317, August 1, 1998:355 

Gula, Richard M., “Dying Well: A Challenge to Christian Compassion” in Christian

          Century , vol 116 no:14,  May 5, 1999: 501-505  

Hui , Edwin C., “Active Euthanasia- A Moral and Theological Critique” in Crux,            

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          Medical Journal, vol 35 no 10, October 1993: 717,727,728-729

Lennard-Jones, John, “ Fluid Infusion and Ethics” in  Triple Helix, vol 7,  Spring 1999:


Mason , J.K., “The Right To Die” in Singapore Medical Journal, vol 28 no 5, October

         1987 : 379-382

Meier, Diane E. et al, “A National Survey of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in

         the United States” in  The New England Journal of Medicine, vol 338 no 17, April

         23, 1998 : 1193-1201

McCurdy, David B., “Saying What We Mean: The Redefining of Euthanasia” in Christian Century, July 17-24 : 708-709

Morrow, Lance, “Death Be Not Televised” in  Time,  December 7, 1998

Oglivie, Alan D., “Colombia is confused over legalisation of euthanasia” in British

          Medical Journal, vol 314, June 28, 1997:1849

Pellegrino, Edmund D., “Palliative Care : Emerging Ethical Issues” in Malaysian Medical

         Tribune, June 1998: 20

Rajamohan, “Right To Die Peacefully At Old Age” in Malaysian Medical Journal,

         November 1998: 9

Schiedermayer, David L., “The Death Debate”  in  Christian Medical and Dental Society   Journal, Spring 1992

Sahadevan ,S. and Pang, W.S., “Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders : Towards A Policy in

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Verhey, Allen, “Choosing Death: The Ethics of Assisted Suicide” in  Christian Century,

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Zinn, Christopher, “Australian voluntary euthanasia law is overturned” in British Medical

         Journal, vol  314, April 5, 1997: 993



C.      Internet Sources


Balsch, Burke J. and Waters,David, “Why We Shouldn’t Legalise Assisting Suicide, Part

          II: Pain Control “   cited in

-----,  and O’Bannon, Randall K., “Why We Shouldn’t Legalise Suicide, Part III: What

          About the Terminally Ill?”  cited in

Blacker, Russell, “Suicide Down the Ages; A Judeo-Christian Perspective” cited in Christian Medical & Dental Society website

Cameron, Nigel S., “Living Wills and the Will to Live” cited in Christian Medical &

         Dental Society website

Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, “Kevorkian, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: A

         Christian Response” cited in   http://www.bioethix.ord/overviews/kervorkian.html                                               

Christian Medical & Dental Society Ethical Statement, “Pain Management” cited in

-----, “Suffering” cited in

-----, “Patient Refusal of Therapy” cited in 

-----, “Advance Directives”  cited in 

-----, “Witholding or Withdrawing of Nutrition and Hydration”   cited in


-----, “Physician Assisted Suicide” cited in 

-----, “Euthanasia” cited in 

-----, “Vegetative State” cited in

Christian Medical Fellowship ,Submission to the SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE   HOUSE OF LORDS ON MEDICAL ETHICS  cited in

Fergusson, Andrew, “Euthanasia ; An Update”  cited in  Christian Medical Fellowship


Humphry, Derek, “Who Will Help Another To Die” cited in

-----, “Why I Believe in Voluntary Euthanasia” cited in


-----, “Nazi Germany and Its So-Called ‘Euthanasia’ Program” cited in

Imbody, Jonathan, “Killing Isn’t Caring: What You Should Know about Physician-Assisted Suicide”   cited in Christian Medical & Dental Society website


Nichols, George P., “Do Real Christian Get Depressed?”  cited in Christian Medical &

          Dental Society website

Orentlicher, David, “Physician Participation in Assisted Suicide”  cited in Christian

         Medical & Dental Society website

Orr, Robert D, “When It’s Okay to Let Go”  cited in Christian Medical & Dental Society


-----, “Why Doctors Should Not Kill”  cited in Christian Medical & Dental Society


Saunders, Peter, “Twelve Reasons…why euthanasia should not be legalised”   cited in

         Christian Medical Fellowship website

-----, “The Christian Case Against Euthanasia” cited in Christian Medical Fellowship


-----, “Abortion and Euthanasia” cited in Christian Medical Fellowship website


-----, “The Bible and Medical Ethics” cited in Christian Medical Fellowship website

 Schiedermayer, David L., “Why Food and Water Are Worth Fighting About : On the

          Withdrawal of Tube Feeding”  cited in Christian Medical & Dental Society website


 |posted 4 April 2006|






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