- Paperback: 402 pages
- Publisher: Scripture Union (2002)
- ISBN: 9839843338

Live and Let Live
A Christian Perspective on Biotechnology
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
This is the age of cutting edge
biotechnology. With the completion of the mapping of the human
genome in 2000, we are poised for a great leap in life-changing
biotechnological discoveries and innovations. Some of the many
issues Christians shall face at the dawning of the 21st Century
• When does a human life begin?
• Is abortion allowed?
• Should Christian couples consider In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
or ‘test tube babies’ for their infertility problem?
• Should we allow ‘embryo reduction’ if there are too many
embryos in successful IVF?
• What shall we do about ‘spare embryos’?
• What is therapeutic and reproductive cloning?
• Should human cloning be allowed?
• Is a ‘human’ clone a human being?
• Shall we allow embryonic stem cell research to continue?
• What are the promises of stem cell research?
• How will the practice of medicine be changed by new
discoveries in biotechnology?
• Will you like to grow a new heart?
• Should scientist be allowed to make changes or ‘improve’ the
human blueprint?
• Design your own baby?
• What is human eugenics?
The Bible does not give specific answers to these questions.
Using biblical principles, this book seeks to help Christians to
understand and be informed about these issues. Some of these
questions may sound like science fiction. We have seen the way
the silicon revolution of computers; mobile phones and the
Internet have changed our lives within a decade. The
biotechnology revolution has already begun. We are just
beginning to experience its effect. We are living in
‘interesting times’.
Product Details
- Paperback: 98 pages
- Publisher: Kairos Research Centre
Sdn Bhd (June 2006)
- ISBN: 9839506080
Book Review and Comments
Books Online (Singapore)
Synopsis from SKS Books:
minds, hearts on fire and who are contemplatives in
Bold...visionary...words on a mission.
In this new book
by bible teacher and writer Alex Tang, he brings to
the grind the many presuppositions undergirding the
modern biotechnological revolution which has
inundated the postmodern world.
Written from the
perspective of a Christian and a practicing medical
doctor in the area of paediatrics; be engaged with
the related issues of abortion, stem cell research,
reproductive cloning, etc.
A daring and
modest attempt to think as a Christian on the
pervading culture of our times.
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Spiritual Formation on the Run
Meditations to Build a Busy Life
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Many of us live life on the run. But busyness is not an excuse to
neglect the spiritual formation of our souls. In fact the busier we
are, the more we need spiritual formation. This book allows us to
lectio divina, which is the Latin for
Lectio divina opens us up to the work of the
Holy Spirit in our lives and instills in us the disciplines of
reading/listening, meditating, praying and contemplation. Short and
crisp, the meditations and stories in this practical and
thought-provoking book will give you focus in your life, rejuvenate
your soul and draw you closer to God.
About the Author
Alex Tang is a consultant paediatrician in private practice and
director of Kairos Spiritual Formation Ministries in Johor Bahru,
Malaysia. He earned his medical degrees from Malaysia and the United
Kingdom and his theological degrees from Malaysia and the United
States. Alex is active as a Bible teacher, preacher, blogger,
spiritual director and writer. His personal passion is to nurture
disciples of Jesus Christ to develop informed minds, hearts on fire
and contemplative actions.
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Tending the Seedbeds (contributor)
Educational Perspectives on Theological Education in Asia

Editorial Reviews
Product Description
This volume explores the educational perspectives on the task of
Christian theological education. It is designed to stimulate the
thinking of leaders in theological training institutions and to
motivate critical reflection on current practice, in order to
enhance the effectiveness of the instituitons in equipping people
for relevant ministry and leadership of the church.
Product Details
- Paperback: 306 pages
- Publisher: Asia Theological Association; 1st
edition (2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 978719480327
- ISBN-13: 978-971-94803-2-7
Book Description
Publication Date:
February 29, 2012
All of us perceive the world through a set
of filters which are determined by our
worldviews. These filters are essential for
us to make sense of the world we live in and
our place in this world. Unfortunately, they
also remove anything that does not fit well
and prevent it from entering our
consciousness. Stories have a wonderful way
of bypassing these filters to reach our
consciousness. Aside from entertainment
value, stories are effective in teaching
spiritual truths; they reveal and invite us
into new ways of perceiving the world and
God's presence. This book is a collection of
stories about little monks and one girl in a
fictional monastery in the Sow Lin province
of China, who are being taught the spiritual
life by their mentor Abba Ah Beng.
Editorial Reviews
In this book, Tales from the Monastery, my old
friend, -Alex Tang, is seeking to follow our Lord by
using stories and parables to impart spiritual
truths which are at once so simple, yet so difficult
to understand and live by.... This is indeed a most
commendable effort at communicating and teaching
gospel truths contextually in -Asian forms! --Bishop
Rev. Hwa Yung, The Methodist Church in Malaysia
About the Author
Alex Tang is a consultant paediatrician in private
practice and director of Kairos Spiritual Formation
Ministries in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. He earned his
medical degrees from Malaysia and the United
Kingdom, and his theological degrees from Malaysia
and the United States. Alex is active as a Bible
teacher, preacher, blogger, spiritual director and
writer. His personal passion is to nurture disciples
of Jesus Christ to develop informed minds, hearts on
fire and contemplative actions. Alex is married with
two daughters.
Product Details
- Paperback: 106 pages
- Publisher: Armour Publishing Pte Ltd;
1st edition (February 29, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9814305812
- ISBN-13: 978-9814305815
Till We are Fully Formed:
Christian Spiritual Formation Paradigms in the English-speaking
Presbyterian Churches in Malaysia
Product Details
- Hardcover: 384 pages
- Publisher: Malaysia Bible Seminary. 1st ed. 30 August
- ISBN 978-981-4597-55-5
- ebook available
Conversations with my Granddaughter

Product Details
- Hardcover: 95 pages
- Publisher: Armour Publishing, Singapore. 25 December
- ISBN 978-981-4597-81-4
A People Apart

Product Details
- Softcover: 56 pages
- Publisher: Armour Publishing, Singapore. 2016
- ISBN: 978-981-47-6509-01
- e-ISBN: 978-981-47-6510-7
- eBooks available
Amazon Kindle
Apple iBooks
Google Play Books
Starhub Bookmate

Product Details
- Hardcover: 40 pages
- Publisher: Enterprise Publishing, Malaysia. January 2015

Product Details
- Hardcover: 40 pages
- Publisher: Enterprise Publishing, Malaysia. 2015

Product Details
- Hardcover: 100 pages
- Publisher: Enterprise Publishing, Malaysia. 2015

Product Details
- Hardcover: 80 pages
- Publisher: Kairos Spiritual Formation Ministries, Malaysia.
- ISBN: 978-981-09-8774-9
for Meditations in Autumn 2015
“What is this
life if, so full of care, We have no time to stand and stare” as
written by Welsh poet W.H.Davies is so apt for our times. Our
lives are so much hustle and bustle. Hence there is a need to
slow down, to appreciate life as it unfolds and to see its deep
relevance in our beings. These photographs were taken during the
autumn of 2015 in Kyoto and Kawaguchico areas of Japan.
Meditating on these prints evoke a deep resonance within me. I
hope it will do the same for you. To assist you, I have written
a few lines of what they mean to me. Take your time with each
print: look, observe and embrace the warm autumn foliage. Slow
down your mind and soul and let the prints speak to you. It is
my prayer that these prints will deepen your spiritual life in
some way.

Product Details
- Hardcover: 80 pages
- Publisher: Kairos Spiritual Formation Ministries,
Malaysia. 2016
for Faces of Angkor
I have the privilege to visit Siem Reap
during the hot and dry season in April 2016. There is a drought
and the water level of the rivers and the lake Tonle Sap is
alarmingly low. The sleepy town of Siem Reap is buzzing with
construction as numerous large international chains are building
new hotel-resorts along the new main road that leads from the
town to the Angkor temples.
However as we move away from Siem Reap
towards the smaller villages near Tonle Sap, life seems to have
settled into a timelessness associated with rural communities.
Certain areas only began to enjoy electricity the last two
years. Water is from wells and has to be carried to fill large
earthen water jars in the front of each house on the main
street. Household members wash and bath there. Call of nature is
answered in the bushes under or behind the houses.
I am captivated by the faces of the people
I met. In spite of their minimalistic lifestyle and having
survived a genocidal civil war, the people are warm, cheerful
and hospitable. They break easily into genuine smiles. I sense
that in many ways they are contented and happy which is rather
puzzling to my materialistic mind. Their material poverty
challenged me and shook me out of my comfort zone. Yet their
acceptance of life reaffirm my faith in the human spirit. I have
tried to capture the shadow of their smiles. Our faces reveal
our inner selves. I have learnt much about the human spirit from
their faces. Life goes on.

Product Details
- Hardcover: 80 pages
- Publisher: Kairos Spiritual Formation Ministries,
Malaysia. 2016

Product Details
- Softcover: 218 pages
- Publisher: Armour Publishing 2017
- ISBN 978-981-47-8948-6 (Paperback)
- ISBN 978-981-47-8965-3 (eBook)
- ebook available
Google Play Books
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Apple iBooks
Amazon Kindle
My Retreat with John O'Donohue (2010)
A Good Day to Die
Spiritual Formation on the Run
Tales from the Monastery
Life in Christ: Beginning Christian Life Studies (2011)

free ebook, download here
Till We are Fully Formed
available from
A People Apart:
Spiritual Formation of a People of God
Amazon Kindle
Google Play
Articles Contributed to
Asia Beacon
How to Raise a GENIUS child (April/May 2004)
Can Christians Practice Tai-Chi? (Feb/March 2004)
Getting Under the Skin of Depression (August/Sept 2003)
The Christian and Depression (vol. 31/1 1999)
To Clone or Not to Clone (August/September 2002)
Christians Concerns on Cloning (October/Nov 2002)
Assisted Suicide (June/July 2002)
The Fast Alternatives: Myth and Fallacies (vol. 31/4 1999)
Someone To Watch Over Me (vol.31/5 1999)
Are You Ready for the Next Millennium? (vol.31/6 1999)
Beyond 2000: Our Spiritual Journey (Dec 2000/Jan 2001)
One Flow Over The Spider's Web ( August/Sept 2000)
Riding the Winds of Change (June/July 2001)
Blogging for God (April/May 2006)
Understanding the Darkness Within (Aug/Sept 2006)
Thou Shalt Not Covet (Aug/Sept 2006)
The Caffeine-Driven Life (Oct 2006/Jan 2007)
The Divine Suffering of God (April/May 2007)
The Prophecies come true at the Birth of
Christ: What Christmas teaches me about God (Dec 07- Jan 08)
Not Just For Monks (Feb-Mar
Illness and the Human Psyche
(June/July 2008)
Biomedical Ethical Decision Making
(Dec 2008/Jan 2009)
Let Me Die, Let Me Die
(April/June 2018)
Articles published in Understanding
the Modern World Through Christian Eyes (Kairos Research Centre)
Please Let Me Die…I Have the Right to Take My Life (April 2004)
The Great Commission: Building
Movements Everywhere (Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ)
1. 'Please let me die...' (March
2. Mentoring
and Spiritual Formation (March 2007)
Conflicts in the Church (September 2007)
Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology
A Critical Evaluation of the Use of Genesis 1 in the Creation
Evolution Debate (13:1 June, 2005)
The Ooze
Spiritual Formation (17 January 2007)
2. The House with the Golden
Windows (21 March 2007)
ESPress: The English Speaking Presbytery magazine
1. Spiritual Formation of Our
Souls (June 2005)
2. A Fishing Story (September 2005)
3. Busy, Busy, Busy (January 2006)
4. Sorry, We're Closed! (May 2006)
5. The Caffeine Driven Life (October
6. Hands (April 2007)
The Habit of Familiarity (September 2007)
8. The
Religious KISS (December 2007)
9. Seven Reasons Why I Like the Apostle
Paul (October 2008)
John Sung of Asia presented in Wondrous Fear and Holy Awe, The
Society of the Study of Christian Spirituality, University of Notre Dame,
United States (2013). Unpublished paper.
Medical Utopias: Christian Ethical
Reflections on Emerging Technologies presented in Christian
Responses to Global Health Issues, Jakarta, Indonesia. (2015). Published in

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My book reviews on Amazon.com
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