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Cooling, Margaret., 2005, Creating a Learning Church: Improving Teaching and Learning in the local church (Oxford: The Bible reading Fellowship)













The 'big story' in one minute
God made, Adam sinned
Eden lost, world ruined
World flooded, Noah saved
Rainbow signed, promise made
Abraham called, child pledged
Isaac born, Sarah laughed
Hebrew saved, Moses fled
Egypt plagued, God led
Land conquered, Saul crowned
Goliath slain, David reigned
People lapsed, prophet warned
Nation crushed, temple burned
Daniel prayed, lions starved
Esther dared, people saved
People left, Babylon defeated
Some returned, walls erected
Jesus born, John pointed
People hailed God's anointed
Jesus taught, people saved
Jesus healed, dead raised
Death died, Jesus rose
Spirit came, good news
Word spread, Church grow
Christ returns, all new

This poem is from an interesting book by Margaret Cooling and is written by her. The book is Creating a Learning Church: Improving teaching and learning in the local church (Oxford: Bible Reading Fellowship,2005). I strongly recommend this book to those who are involved in the ministry of teaching in the local church which means everyone. Cooling gave the principles of learning and gave lots of useful ideas and examples on teaching that facilitate learning. Worth buying the book and referring to it again and again. Simple to read too.


|posted 29 June 2006|




"treat, heal, and comfort always"

 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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