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Learning Theories of Chris Argyris and Donald Schön
Dr Alex Tang
I. Biography
a. Chris Argyris (1923-)
Chris Argyris was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1923. He graduated with a degree
in psychology (1947), a MA in psychology and economics (1949) and a Ph.D. in
organizational behaviour in 1951. He taught at Yale University (1951-1971). Then
he went over to Harvard University (1971- ) and is presently director of the
Monitor Company in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
b. Donald Schön (1930-1997)
Donald Schön was born in Boston. He graduated from Yale in 1951 where he studied
philosophy. He was also an accomplished pianist and clarinettist-in jazz and
chamber music.
II. Major works
a. Chris Argyris
i. Impact of organization structures, control systems and management on
ii. Organizational changes involving top executives
iii. Role of social scientist as both researcher and actor (action science)
iv. Individual and organizational learning (single and double-loop learning;
espoused theory and theory-in action)
b. Donald Schön
i. The Learning society-among one of the first to postulate that change is
constant and society need to learn to keep up
ii. Double-loop learning with Argyris
iii. The reflective practitioner especially in reflection-in and reflection
III. Espoused and Theory-in-action
This is the result of the collaborative research of Argyris and Schön. They
postulated that human beings are idealistic and have a sense of right and wrong.
They have a preconceived idea of the goodness they are capable of and this is
what they called the espoused theory. Unknown to them, there is a ‘master
program’ which everyone has which seeks to (1) remain in unilateral control; (2)
maximise “winning” and minimize “losing”; (3) suppress negative feelings; and
(4) to be rational in their thinking (Argris 2004). The ‘master program’ takes
over whenever the person wants to do anything and will take defensive action
when the status quo is disturbed. Argyris and Schön called this
theory-in-action. Argyris described theory-in-action behavior as Model 1
thinking. He wants to move people from Model 1 thinking to Model 2 thinking.
Model 2 characteristics include (1) reviewing valid information; (2) making free
and informed choices; and (3) developing internal commitment to this way of
thinking (M.K.Smith 2001). The way to develop Model 2 learning is by double-loop
thinking. In a way this make sense because it explains why people claim one
belief structure but often acts contrary to their belief structure. This can
also be applied to spiritual formation. Moving from Model 1 to Model 2 may be
IV. Single and Double-Loop Thinking
Argyris has a favourite illustration for single loop thinking. He noted,
“Single-loop learning asks a one-dimensional question to elicit a
one-dimensional answer. My favorite example is a thermostat, which measures
ambient temperature against a standard setting and turns the heat source on and
off accordingly. The whole transaction is binary.” (Argyle 1994)
However for double-loop thinking, he wrote,
Double-loop learning takes an additional step or, more often than not, several
additional steps. It turns the question back on the questioner. It asks what the
media call follow-ups. In the case of the thermostat, for instance, double-loop
learning would wonder whether the current setting was actually the most
effective temperature at which to keep the room and, if so, whether the present
heat source was the most effective means of achieving it. A double-loop process
might also ask why the current setting was chosen in the first place. In other
words, double-loop learning asks questions not only about objective facts but
also about the reasons and motives behind these facts."(p.64-65)
This double-looping thinking is reflective thinking. Again if applied to
spiritual formation, there is always a call to be reflective in our action.
Socrates is widely quoted as saying an unreflective life is not worth living.
V. The Reflective Practitioner
Schön continued from there and developed his theories of the reflective
practitioner. He is interested in reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action.
His main target study groups are professionals especially managers because he is
interested to learn about “thinking on their feet” (M.K.Smith 2005). This has
led to the concept of “framing” which is perspective building with available
data. This will be of great interest as we begin to understand how learning can
be enhanced by being reflective and also by framing our assessment of available
data. Again in the CFC, we need to be reflective Christians with the proper
framing which can only come with a deeper understanding of the word of God.
VI. Conclusion
In this brief summary of espoused theory and theory-in-action; single and
double-loop learning; reflective practitioner and framing, there are a lot more
scope for research into the way we learn. These are exciting theories and we
need to understand them from the Christian perspective so as to discover how
useful they can be in spiritual formation.
Argris, Chris. 2004. Teaching smart people how to learn. In Harvard business
review on developing leaders:83-110. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing
Argyle, Chris. 1994. Good communications that blocks learning. In Leadership
insights: 15 unique perspectives on effective leadership:63-73: Harvard Business
M.K.Smith. 2001. Chris argryris:Theories of action, double loop learning and
organizational learning. Accessed 14 Feb 2005. Available from www.infed.org/thinkers/argyris.htm.
________. 2005. Donald schon (schön): Learning, reflection and change. Accessed
21 May 2006. Available from www.infed.org/thinker/et-schon.htm.