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Rutter, Mark V., A Holistic Approach to Learning: The Key to Change, Christian Education Journal, Spring 1990, Vol X. No3. p63-71




“In summary, a holistic approach to learning is one that realises the totality of man’s personality-the cognitive, affective, and volitional aspects. It is an approach which seeks to understand a person’s need so that barriers to learning can be overcome. Cognitively, it involves presenting accurate information so that a person is properly informed and can make the right decisions about right behavior. Affectively, it involves stimulation of right attitudes and emotions so that truth is valued and accepted. Volitionally, it seeks to secure commitment which requires an act of will as well as of the intellect and emotions, The approach must be practiced by a teacher who also models what he seeks to impart to his pupils”p.71



"treat, heal, and comfort always"

 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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