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Books Recommendation --------------------- Medical Students /Paediatric notes
Session Two: Causes of Ill Health in Children Dr Alex Tang
1. Factors that contribute to ill health in children a. Birth factors i. During pregnancy 1. smoking, alcohol, drug addiction 2. maternal infections 3. poor ante monitoring a. VDRL b. Rhesus c. Weight gain 4. poor maternal health ii. During birth 1. prolonged labour 2. obstructed labour 3. neonatal asphyxia 4. umbilical cord prolapse iii. After birth 1. congenital heart disease 2. neonatal jaundice 3. infections 4. breast feeding 5. prematurity iv. Genetics 1. congenital hypothyroidism 2. Down Syndrome 3. Edward Syndrome 4. Patau Syndrome 5. Combined immunodeficiency disease b. Family factors i. Parenting skills 1. lack of parenting skills 2. immature parents 3. lack of knowledge of nutrition 4. poor feeding techniques 5. delegation to maids/other caretakers 6. child abuse ii. Dysfunctional families 1. single parents 2. divorce 3. using children as weapons iii. Adoption/foster care c. Community practices i. Cultural taboos ii. Food taboos d. Environmental factors i. Overcrowding ii. Shelter iii. Dangerous surroundings iv. Poor sanitation e. Economic i. Poverty ii. Recession iii. Large family iv. Health of wage-earner 2. Factors that encourages good health a. Good health care monitoring i. Antenatal monitoring ii. Well child followup monitoring iii. Immunisation b. Good parenting skills i. Breast feeding ii. Weaning iii. Balanced diet iv. Love and care v. Role models c. Community practices i. Role of grandparents and extended families ii. Healthy food practices d. Environmental i. Shelter ii. Safe iii. Clean 3. Reflection ideas
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