Those we leave behind





Alex Tang



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Those we leave behind

Dr Alex Tang


The white knight sally forth on a white charger,

a crusade to a distant land was the call,

the sick the poor their lives to be made better,

a spouse was left in the family hall.


Anxious and worry those left at home,

panic attacks but who know to care,

not knowing, occasional contact by phone,

thousands of miles apart, loneliness to bear.


Acclaims celebrating the knight’s return,

to home and hearth, and to work report,

the beloved taken for granted in turn,

those left behind, consigned to their lot.


Throughout history, repeatedly in all seasons,

people set out for war or for other quests,

those who remain at home for whatever reasons,

remember them, O God, they too need to be blessed.



|posted 1 September 2006|


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 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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