They Like Jesus but Not the Chur





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They Like Jesus but Not the Church


Dan Kimball (2007), They Like Jesus But Not The Church: Insights from Emerging Generations (Grand rapids, MI: Zondervan)

With a provocative title like that, Dan Kimball, pastor at Vintage Faith Church In Santa Cruz, California, went on to describe the feelings of those persons he has interviewed in the ‘emerging generations.’ What emerging generations think about the church


1. the church is an organized religion with a political agenda

2. the church is judgmental and negative

 3. the church is dominated by males and oppresses females

4. the church is homophobic

5. the church arrogantly claims all other religions are wrong

6. the church is full of fundamentalists who take the whole Bible literally



What they wish the church were like


1. I wish the church were not just a sermon or a lecture but a discussion

2. I wish the church would respect my intelligence

3. I wish the church weren’t about the church building

4. I wish the church were less programmed and allowed time to think and pray

5. I wish the church were a loving place

6. I wished the church cared for the poor and for the environment

7. I wish the church taught more about Jesus


I felt a deep sadness when I finished reading the book. What were said are so true of our churches, even here in Asia.


|posted 2 August 2007|



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