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Movie review on X-Men: Days of Future Past
Dr Alex Tang
(picture source: Wiki)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) is the seventh installation of the movie series on the X-Men. The theme of this movie is loosely based on the 1981 Uncanny X-Men storyline "Days of Future Past" by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. Personally I prefer the comic storyline as it is more nuanced but this movie is worth watching on its own. Unlike the X-Men movie trilogy which ended with X-Men: The Last Stand, there is more character development and story telling in this movie. Though the action sequences are excellent, it is not as confusing as the Last Stand. This movie is a direct sequel to X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: First Class as it made references to both movies. I will suggest that you watch these two movies before watching this. This will make it more enjoyable.
[spoilers alert]
In the future, the war with the sentinels (these are giant robots, not the
multiple eyed octopus thingy in the Matrix trilogy) has destroyed much of
the cities. Mutants and human mutant sympathizers are being held in
detention camps. A small group of mutants make their last stand against the
sentinels in the apocalyptic scenario similar to the Terminator series. Why
must artificial intelligence and humanoid robots be anti-humans, I wonder?
Have no one heard of Asimov’s three laws of robotics anymore? The last
remnant of mutants which include Professor X (Charles Xavier), Magneto (Erik
Lehnsherr), Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde), Storm (Ororo Munroe) and Wolverine
(James Logan) devised a plan to send the Wolverine into the past,
specifically to 1973. They decided the pivotal moment in time when the war
against normal or non-mutant humans began was when Mystique murdered Dr.
Bolivar Trask (the designer of the sentinels) and was herself captured in
1973. The research on her DNA from her blood was used to upgrade the new
class of sentinels.
Most superhero movies and comics has allegorical implications. These
superheroes are our new mythology. X-Men:
Days of Future Past, like the Avengers movie series and the Spiderman
series have lessons for us today.
First, our actions have consequences that echo through time. Like the
butterfly effect in chaos theory, one simple action may cause a ripple that
may cause the destruction of a civilization. Driven by hate because of the
murder of her fellow mutant, Mystique hunted down to murder Trask because
Trask was the one who killed her friends in his scientific experiments.
Trask on the other hand, fears for the survival of the human race. Fearing
mutants will kill off non-mutants, as humans themselves had killed off the
Neanderthals, Trask seeks to find a weapon which will destroy the mutants.
His chosen weapon was the sentinels with mutant adaptive powers. Our
everyday actions has consequences. A mechanic who was sloppy in installing a
brake pad may cause a bus crash that may kill someone who may one day invent
the source of limitless non-polluting energy power. A doctor who was sloppy
in his work, taking short cuts and doing the minimal work may cause the
death of a patient. Time travel may have a way of messing with or creating
new consequences. An unforgettable scene in the movie has Hank (Beast) in
1973 watching Captain Kirk (Star Trek) explaining time travel on television.
The scene is from the Star Trek: The Original Series episode ‘The Naked
Second, there is redemption when we are involved in a cause that is greater
than ourselves. Both Charles Xavier and Erik (Magneto) believe in saving
mutants. Charles believe that it is possible for human and mutants to
coexist. Magneto, on the other hand, believe that only way mutants to
survive is when humans are destroyed or subjugated. Charles, an idealist,
believes in moral ethical rules to achieve their ends. Magneto believes that
the end justifies the means. Logan finds a wimpy drug addicted Charles when
he arrived in 1973. Charles was pining for his lady love (Mystique) which he
lost to Magneto. He became addicted to a drug which allow him to walk (and
sleep) but suppressed his mental powers. In other words, Professor Xavier
was hitting rock bottom. In a stereotypical storytelling in the movie, his
redemption came when he met his future self who revealed to him what his
life purpose is. In a heroic messiah like moment, he discarded his drug
habit and regained his mental powers to save the day. We often need a cause
that is greater than ourselves if we are to live meaningful lives. People
who live only for themselves often end up narcissistic and self-centered.
Finally, power is might but may not always be right. To demonstrate his
power over magnetism, Magneto lifted and dropped a stadium over the White
House and commandeered the sentinels. Magneto wanted to show humans how
powerful he is and by doing that cow them into submission. While it is a
powerful demonstration, Erik (Magneto) should have remembered his history
lessons. History has shown that might as power may not always produce the
desired effect. Instead of being cowed, the less powerful always find a way
to strike back. The wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan should remind us that
the most powerful armies do not always win. In many ways, our world is being
divided into ‘us’ and ‘them’. The division may be along the line of skin
color, economic status or religions. Instead of trying to annihilate one
another, there may be place for peaceful coexistence as envisioned by
Charles Xavier.
There is much to recommend for this movie. However there is an incredible
amount of violence so parents are forewarned. The sentinels torn Colossus
into two in a fight sequence. As he was in his metal state, there was no
gore. The Wolverine was kebabed with many metal rods and thrown into the
Potomac River by Magneto. The Wolverine starred in so many X-Men movies that
we have no doubt that he will survive, as I have the sense that this movie
was made as a pre-sequel to many more movies to come. Wait in your seat
until the movie credits end and you will see what I mean.
26 May 2014 |