Goodbye My Paediatric Ward





Alex Tang



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Goodbye My Paediatric Ward

The Paediatric Ward


Long have I walked your halls along with my nurses,

struggled and fought with our mortal bodies’ curses,

many a child and many a disease we encountered.

with medicine, prayers, sweat and tears countered.



There little Sammy eyes bright burning with fever,

here younger Tony face enclosed with asthma reliever,

tiny premie Vijayan snug and comfy in an infant warmer,

now sick, soon to recover and mend, human transformer.



In here, I journey with children and many a parent met,

radiating anxieties, worries, anger, frustrations, many fret,

when, oh when, will my child recover and the illness surmount,

they’ve recovered, can go home, doc how about some discount!



Armed with knowledge of years of medical training indoctrination,

med school, specialist training, working refining build a foundation,

each sick child unique, fragile, handle carefully, no room for mistake,

sleepless nights, endless concern, premature graying too much at stake.



With friendly colleagues and angels of mercy we serve the kids,

team work, working tirelessly we strive from diseased bodies rids

that which harms, distort or deform our patients’ innate potential,

we pour our hearts, minds, souls, love, energy doing the essential.



Now they say you are old need a makeover as fitting private wards,

they will tear up your floors, pull down walls with painted storyboards,

the structures may be destroyed the memories thousand good deeds not,


these tiny tots saved have grown up, now parents with their own tiny tots!

Note: Renovations on the present Paediatric wards at KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital will begin on 26 Dec 2012. All these will be gone. The price of progress.



| 26 December 2012 |




"treat, heal, and comfort always"

 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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