Euthanasia or mercy killing is an emotive and controversial subject. Tremendous advances in medical sciences and biomechanical technologies have prolonged our lives. Unfortunately, these same knowledge and technologies have prolonged our dying. Many today struggle with the issue of euthanasia or mercy killing, either for themselves or for their loved ones. Alex Tang MD approaches this issue from different perspectives. He uses examples from patient case histories to illustrate his points. This book will help those who struggle with euthanasia or mercy killing to come to some resolution of death with dignity.
From the Publisher
"Today is a good day to die" is the rallying cry of the Klingons, a warrior race in the science fiction worlds of Star Trek. To the Klingons, what is important is glory and honour. To die in battle is to die with full honour and much glory. Hence the embracement of death. Even Christians have assimilated this culture, and live in fear of death though the Bible teaches us that there is nothing to fear. God in His sovereignty determines the times of our birth and of our death.If He has chosen that day for us to die, then it is a good day to die.
When we bring about our own death, however, the day of dying
is not of God's choosing but of ours. Do we have the right to
choose when we are die? Do we have the right to determine the
way we are to die? And do we have the right to ask someone to
kill us?
From the Back Cover
This book is the result of Dr.Tang's own experience of facing
life-and-death issues and in it he explores theological,
medical,ethical, moral and legal issues. He takes the reader
from historical perspectives to contemporary issues that defy
black-and-white definitions. Dr.Tang addresses some very thorny
issues in euthanasia which he approaches from various angles. He
contends that being contemporary is not necessarily being right.
Dr.Tang's extensively referenced book is timely indeed, at a time of rapidly increasing knowledge and understanding of the human body. It helps the Christian reader to make important decisions in an informed manner;decisions surrounding sickness and death.
--Datuk Dr, Alex Mathews Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist Chairman, Home Council of Malaysia Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF)