God on the Golf Course





Alex Tang



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God on the Golf Course

Do God play golf? If he does, he will be very at home with the First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu which bought a golf course and is presently having their Sunday worship services in the clubhouse. This photo taken from the Pali Lookout Point shows the club house/church in the foreground surrounded by the golf course. Ko'olau Golf course was regarded by Golf Digest the number 1 course on Oahu and one of “America’s 100 Greatest” (2005). It is also considered one of the toughest course in the nation. I did not play a round before service but I planned to during another visit. If churches are buying up cinemas and warehouses, why not a functioning golf club? The rationale was that since land prices is so high, the Session (Board of Elders) find it make sense to buy a functioning golf club. I cannot help but compare the magnificent churches in the United States and the small churches (with the exceptional few) in Malaysia. I find that this links with my previous posting on what a church should look like and with Willow Creek Church. Got the pun? links?


|posted 12 August 2008|




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