The Council of Churches in Malay





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The Council of Churches in Malaysia is 60 years old



Attended the celebration dinner of the 60th anniversary of the Council of Churches of Malaysia(CCM) at Pulai Springs Resort in Johor Bahru. This was held in conjunction with the 12th Triennial General Assembly of CCM which was held from 23-26 April 2007.


It was an interesting event because it was unusual to see so many bishops, archbishops, priests, pastors, and lay leaders from different denominations and traditions together in one room. This is ecumenism at its best.

Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) is an ecumenical fellowship of Churches and Christian Organisations in Malaysia. It is one of the three constituent members of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM).

The message "that they may all be one ... that the world may believe" (Jesus' prayer for this followers, from John 17:21)


The task of churches together :

To provide witness to the unity which Christ desires for his people.

To share witness together and build wholesome human communities where faith, hope and love are nurtured.

To offer prophetic witness for justice, peace and the integrity of God's whole creation.

To witness together with other Christian bodies, nationally and internationally, to advance the servant mission of Christ.


Action of churches together :

Heads of Churches Consultations Ecumenical Pastors' Schools Women's Conventions Spiritual formation using ecumenical resources

Partnership in Mission Relief aid to the suffering

Nurturing creative theological reflection in Malaysian and Asian context

Engaging in Faith and Order issues Hosting national and international Consultations,

Workshops and Conferences on contemporary issues Holistic evangelism


from their website

The CCM is 10 years older than our country, Malaysia! The emphasis last night seems to be on fund raising for a new CCM headquarter building. Unfortunately not much was mentioned about the 60 years history of CCM. It will have been an interesting history that started at preindependent Malaya. I hope some Christian historian will take up the challenge to record the 60 years history. Will be a shame if it is lost and forgotten.


|posted 23 April 2007|


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 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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