The Comic Storylines of the Batman 
Have not read any good Batman stories lately so I am looking forward to Batman: R.I.P which promises to shake up the Batman/Bruce Wayne world.
"Batman R.I.P." is a comic book story arc written by Grant Morrison, with art by Tony Daniel, Sandu Florea, and covers by Alex Ross.
"Batman R.I.P." is a story that Morrison's entire run, starting with 2006's Batman #655 with the arc "Batman & Son", has been leading up to. In it, as described in the first issue of Batman #676, it is an "epic story that will change the legend of the Dark Knight forever! Everything in Grant Morrison's groundbreaking run on Batman has been leading to this story, and nothing will ever be the same again." Ending with "Who will live? Who will die? Who will be Batman?". (source)
At the New York Comic Con 2008, DC Comics gave away pins featuring Nightwing, Jason Todd, and Hush with the words "I Am Batman" beneath them.
However, I have discovered that Wikipedia has an excellent collection of Batman storylines. Enjoy!