Help, Our Churches are being McDonaldized





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Help, Our Churches are Being McDonaldised

Alex Tang

Mark Chan, writing in (2000). "Problem and Possibility of an Asian Theological Hermeneutics." Trinity Theological Journal 9: 55-56. , comments,
“A Mcdonaldized ethos is marked by the dictates of efficiency, calculability, predictability and control does not value individuality, creativity, deliberation or attention to details. It is speed, proficiency, and the attainment of objectified goals that count.” (2002, 120).


The characteristics of McDonaldization is derived from the working of the fast food chain;
*efficiency means simplified products,
*calculability means quantifiable products and services,
*predictability means standardisation of product and services, and
*control means replacement of human by technology.


McDonaldisation has arrived on our shores and even in our churches. In the name of efficiency, we have begun to simplify our sermons and church services. Some people call it “dumbing down” (Marwa Dawn (1995). Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship for the Turn-of-the-Century Culture. Grand Rapids, MI, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.). Important facts are now delivered in short sound bites.


We have begun to play the number games in marking church attendance and giving. That is calculability.


Predictability means standardising our church programs so that it is easily reproducible and by control, we look towards technology to solve our church problems. That’s why imported packaged education programs produced by megachurches in the United States is so attractive because we have been McDonaldised.


|posted 8 May 2007|



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