The Bread of Life





Alex Tang



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The Bread of Life

Dr Alex Tang


You offer them the bread of life.

Thousands follow you across the Sea of Galilee,

Some for more of bread that is free,

Some to see the miracle of the multiplication of bread and fish,

Some are just following the crowd,

Some quietly meditate and wonder who you are.


You offered them the bread of life.

Who are you to offer this bread, some said, are you not a carpenter’s son,

Some questioned, are you Moses who delivered manna from heaven,

Some cried, are they cannibals that you offer them your flesh,

Some plotted because God knew them not,

Some quietly meditate and wonder who you are.


You offered them the bread of life.

This bread will forever satisfy all their hunger and all their thirst,

Some of your disciples wondered what you mean,

Some of your disciples waited for you signal for an invading army.

Some of your disciples rejected your claims and walked away,

Some quietly meditate and wonder who you are.

You offered them the bread of life.


[a meditation on John 6:35-59]


14 May 2006

Retreat with Father Thomas Green

Good Shepherd Seminary



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