Retreat on Grace, Gravity, and Growing Old
Reflection #1: A Study of the Life of Caleb: Grace
Who is Caleb?
from the tribe of Judah, Caleb son of Jephunneh (Num. 13:6)
40 years old when chosen to be a spy (Num.13:1)
Leader of the tribe of Judah (Num.13:3)
Only Joshua and Caleb from his generation entered the promised
land (Num.14:38)
85 years old conquest of Hebron and its surroundings (Joshua
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV84)
18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s
glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which
comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Individual and communities transformed to Christlikeness
Ongoing process
Holy Spirit is involved
God’s glory is restored
Meditation Points
1. Finding my true identity - who am I beneath my roles?
The move to interiority (from doing to being, and living from
the inside, out)
Identity, not in what I do but in who I am (God’s beloved
child, 1 John 3:1)
Intimacy, and the need to be known and love
2. Growing in authenticity - how can I live with my
changing self?
Recognising the ‘false self’, and searching for my ‘true self
in God’
awareness of my ‘persona’ (masks) Genesis 3:7-8
the place of suffering
yearning for wholeness
individuation : becoming a unique and complete individual, the
person God made me to be
3. Embracing my shadow – how can I accept myself?
In the crucible? Psalm 66:10; Job 23:10; Malachi 3:3;1Peter
Making friends with the ‘Shadow’:
things I have neglected about myself (the good)
things I have rejected about myself (the bad)
things I don’t yet know about myself (the undeveloped)
Expressions of inner conflict - Romans 7:14-20
Developing ‘balance’ – integration in the personality
4. Maturing in faith – what about my relationship with God?
What do I believe? How will I express what I believe?
dormant faith coming alive
inherited faith being challenged
active faith being reassessed
passive faith becoming active
A stumbling stone?
From certainty to mystery – less certain but more sure
Reflection #2: Study of the life of Caleb: Gravity
Meditation points
Who or what are your giants/obstacles as you grow older?
Be specific
List down the giants/obstacles
2. What are some of the ways you can slay the giants
/overcome the obstacles?
Be specific
List down the steps
3. Pray about what you have written
Reflection #3: Study of the life of Caleb: Growing Old
Meditation Points
1. Vocation – identifying passion and purpose – where am I
Who am I as a person (identity)?
What are my gifts?
What is the passion within me?
God’s will = identity + gifting + passion
What is my vocation and my life message?
Who I am and what I do, in harmony
2. Faith and courage to step out
Some of our most significant and meaningful contributions can
come as we grow older
More of the same, but differently?
Something new entirely?
A building on what has gone before?
God’s will, not selfish expression
Jeremiah 1:4-5, Ephesians 2:10 and Matthew 13:44-46
Reflection #4: Study of the life of Caleb: Legacy
Meditation Points
1. Legacy – what am I leaving behind?
Generativity vs stagnation
Passing the baton, not holding on (2 Timothy 2:2)
Living outside ourselves and thinking of others
Spiritual direction
2. Partnering with God – how can I sustain myself?
A new lease of life, but with danger
Working with God, not for God
The contemplative strand, and learning to abide (John 15:5)
3. Preparing for ending - what time do I have left?
Retirement? Slowing down?
Convergence and after-glow
The Chapel in Methodist Centre Port
Dickson, a thin place