Alex Tang
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Letter to a President
15 August 2006
President (2005-2006)
Malaysia Paediatric Association
Dear Sir,
I read with interest your articles “Boutique Vaccine” (Berita MPA April 2006)
and “Pneumococcal Awareness and More about Vaccine (Berita MPA July 2006). Let
me at the onset state that I have no doubt about your integrity and have the
utmost respect to you as one of the foremost paediatricians in the country. Also
I am aware of the dangers of pneumococcal infections and its subsequent sequelae
on our young patients. However, I wish to comment on a few trends that are
happening in this country.
First, there appear to be a change in the marketing strategy in certain
pharmaceutical companies recently. The pharmaceutical companies used to approach
doctors to inform them of any new products and let them act as the gatekeepers
to inform and educate their patients. Lately, it seems that companies have taken
to marketing their products directly to the public by taking full or half page
advertisements in the local newspapers.
Take, for example the vaccine in question. The wording of the advertisement is
such that it implied that parents are not responsible if they do not get their
children vaccinated. It also implied that pneumoccocal infection is so deadly
that all infected children will be brain damaged. Of course, the heart wrenching
photographs and testimony of the affected parents added weight to their
statements. You mentioned, “We know this is a powerful message and looking at
the possible outcome, there is no easier way to convey the message.” Is that
true? Does instilling fear and panic in our patients’ parents constitute good
education? It may not be MPA’s policy to create fear but the advertisement and
the pamphlets given out to patients has already created a climate of fear. When
parents came to see us, they are already in a state of panic and wanted the
vaccine out of fear or in extreme guilt because they cannot afford to pay for
the vaccine. How many parents do you really expect to consult the source
references given? Or to understand them if they did?
Second, the fact that MPA logo appears on the advertisements implied that MPA
endorses the product. It does not matter whether it is placed next to the
company’s logo or not. And to say that the brand name was not mentioned is moot
as there is only one company producing and marketing the vaccine in Malaysia at
this moment and that said company is sponsoring all of the talks.
Third, we are talking about multiple vaccinations cost ranging form at least RM
1,200.00 to RM 300 which is a significant portion of some people’s salary. This
multiplied by the number of children and we can end up with a significant sum of
money. This may give the impression that MPA is interested in catering to the
rich only. I am a bit doubtful about the argument that if we increase the usage,
the company will decrease the price. Why not the reverse? Why did MPA not
insists that the company decrease the price then its members will use more of
the vaccine?
Fourth, I find it fascinating that the MPA suddenly wants to create public
awareness about pneumococcal infections after the end of 2005. What happens
before that? Why was there no public awareness talk about pneumococcal
infections before the launch of the vaccine? Was it not a big problem (though
you did write in your article That Malaysia did not have accurate disease burden
data)? The MPA’s Vaccine 2006 Update may not have any companies present, but the
public awareness “Fight PnD” campaign is definitely a marketing event with
Sheila Majid and Adriana Teoh. Where does MPA draws the line in public education
and helping companies in their marketing?
Finally, on the same page of your article is a new Ministry of Health
Immunisation Schedule with effect from August, 2006. Please confirm that this is
the new schedule because I have not heard from the Ministry of Health or from
the papers regarding a change in immunisation schedule. This schedule was
delivered to all the doctors by the sales representative of another
pharmaceutical company which also happens to be the one marketing a 6-in-1
vaccine since March and also the only such vaccine in Malaysia. If the Ministry
of Health has not changed its schedule, why did Berita MPA printed the schedule.
If there is a change, why did Berita MPA did not inform its members? Looks like
the pharmaceutical company is doing the work of MOH and MPA in informing the
medical fraternity.
Mr. President, I hope you do not take this letter personally. As I said, I have
the almost respect for you. I am however wary about the marketing strategies of
multinational pharmaceutical companies. Next, we shall be hearing about a
vaccine that can cure cervical cancer (cure cancer or prevent a viral infection?
These are two different claims). I feel it is the responsibility of medical
organizations like MPA to stand out and not be manipulated by pharmaceutical
companies to endorse their products. I am all for disease and health awareness
and I acknowledge that MPA is doing a good job about this. We have a duty to our
patients and their parents to educate them, to be their advocate against the
high cost of medications and vaccines and to provide equitable healthcare
services to both the rich and poor.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr Alex Tang
Consultant Paediatrician
Johor Specialist Hospital