A Son's Ode to His Father





Alex Tang



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A Son's Ode to His Father




You walked with youthful steps,

resounding to a hopeful future,

supporting me as I learn to walk,

looking up I see a giant of the land.


You struggle uphill in halting steps,

against prejudice and bigotry,

discouraged but never beaten,

bettering yourself inch by inch.


You took a tumble in your steps,

when you reached too far,

fell, broken but not cowed,

to start afresh once again.


You took exile in your steps,

to walk live in strange lands,

for work not available at home,

to feed and clothe your family.


You walk slowly in halting steps,

time and age finally took its toll,

reached the undiscovered country,

standing tall on a chariot of fire.





"treat, heal, and comfort always"

 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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