Prayer of a Paediatrician





Alex Tang



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Prayer of a Paediatrician












LORD, You called me to care for your children when they are sick. Help me to do it
gladly and joyfully. When I get discouraged, remind me of the value of what I do,
and help me to do it to the best of my abilities. Help me to see You in each of my
patients, their families and my co-workers. Help me to understand that I serve as
the instrument by which You heal and bring comfort to Your children. Give me a
smile and a gentle sense of humour and help me to lighten the trying times.

I thank You for the many blessings You have given me, not only my medical
understanding and skills, but also the opportunity to help others, as You have
taught us to do. May I always remember that the giving of myself to others does
not require that I totally deny my own needs or those of my family. Help me to
continually strive for an appropriate balance between my vocation and my family.
Help me to make my time with my family the highest in quality, especially
when it is limited in quantity.

LORD, please give me a heart that listens carefully and patiently to others,
especially my patients, their families, my own family, my co-workers, and to myself.
Help me to recognise the needs of each and give me the willingness, the strength,
the courage and the resources to meet these needs, according to Your will.
May I learn something new each day, not getting lost in my daily routine,
and help me to persist in my commitment to help others.




"treat, heal, and comfort always"

 "spiritual forming disciples of Jesus Christ with informed minds, hearts on fire and contemplative in actions"  


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